Register or Renew


For Students WITHOUT Nearby Chapters and Post-Graduate Professionals 
Ensure you Understand all Requirements Before Registering

Welcoming All Post-Collegiate Professionals and Non-Chapter Students 



Before you register, check the following: 

  • If you want to join a Junior MANRRS or Collegiate MANRRS chapter, you must check to see if there is an existing chapter on the chapter locator page in your area that you can join.  

  • If you locate a chapter near you, you must connect with the chapter advisor to register for membership, and you do not need to register here. 
  • If there is no local chapter, please ensure all information is correct in your form.

    • If you are registering on behalf of someone, use the member’s name in all forms, even in the payment forms to ensure we route it to the correct membership record.  


Register or renew today

If you are renewing, please use the email address that you used for the prior year. This email address will be used for the 'members only' areas of the website.